Details Bibliography
- Identifier:
- Identifier Type:
Link - 0 - Url:
- Year: 2016
- Title: Caratterizzazione geolitologica dei siti su cui ricadono le stazioni della Rete Sismica Nazionale dell’INGV
Author - 0 - Name: Monti G. M.Author - 1 - Name: Martarelli L.Author - 2 - Name: Gafà R. M.Author - 3 - Name: Olivetta L.
Journal - Name: INGV- ISPRA 2016-17 Agreement (protocol INGV 2016/0003777 of 04/04/2016): "Scientific and technical collaboration aimed at the geolithological characterization of the sites of the stations of the national INGV seismic network "(Scientific Coordinators: P. Bordoni and G.M. Monti)