Details Site Class


Site Class Back

  • Last Update: 2022-02-15 09:36:40
  • Soil Class Type: ARRAY_MEASUREMENT 
  • Soil Class Value: C 
  • Soil Class Preferred: Yes 
  • Soil Class Note: Vseq=326 m/s derived from the bibliography velocity profile 
  • Bibliography:
    Title Id_type Id Url
    Mascandola C., Lovati S., Santulin M., Massa M., Site characterization of the INGV station IV.SANR –SANDRIGO, Working group INGV of DPC-INGV 2016 agreement All. B2 Task B (2016) 10.5281/zenodo.803945 10.5281...

Seismic Code

  • id: 1233
  • Seismic Code Type: NTC18
  • Note:  
  • Bibliography:
    Title Id_type Id Url
    MINISTERO DELLE INFRASTRUTTURE E DEI TRASPORTI, Aggiornamento delle «Norme tecniche per le costruzioni»., (2018) https:/...