Pollina, Palermo

  • Id: 248 
  • Spatial Reference System: GCS_WGS_1984
  • Latitude [°]: 37.992698 
  • Longitude [°]: 14.142657 
  • Elevation [m]: 693 
  • StartTime: 21/05/2009 12:15:00 
  • EndTime:   
  • Type: PERMANENT 
  • Description: Pollina, Palermo 
  • Site Name: PLLN 
  • Station Name: IV.PLLN 
  • Q Final:  
  • Allegato:  
  • Note:    

Map Layers


Instrument Housing
No Data Available
Data Quality
No Data Available


No Data Available
Geological Review
Preferred Bibliography Monography Conceptual Model Value
Yes Monti G. M., Martarelli L., Gafà R. M., Olivetta L., Caratterizzazione geolitologica dei siti su cui ricadono le stazioni della Rete Sismica Nazionale dell’INGV, INGV- ISPRA 2016-17 Agreement (protocol INGV 2016/0003777 of 04/04/2016): "Scientific and technical collaboration aimed at the geolithological characterization of the sites of the stations of the national INGV seismic network "(Scientific Coordinators: P. Bordoni and G.M. Monti) (2016)
download 2
Morphological classification
Preferred Type Note Dem Resolution [m] Slope Range Slope [°] Slope Range Figure
Yes RELIEF 10.00000 ANGLE_GT30 37.99000 Img
Lithological Classification
Preferred Cartography Code Coding Type Lithological Unit Code Volumetric Joint Count Consolidation Degree Lithologic Class Lithologic Description Number Of Lithology Subdivision
Yes Foglio Carta Litologica d’Italia 1:100,000 - Foglio NICOSIA ISPRA 2010 A9 consolidated Sandstone and sand arenarie, arenarie + conglomerati, arenarie + sabbie 2
Geological Classification
Preferred Cartography code Coding type Geological unit extended name Environmental settings Age (Older - Younger) Rock mass structure Event Process
Yes Foglio Carta Geolitologica d'Italia 1:100,000 - Foglio NICOSIA INSPIRE arenarie a fina grana marine_setting Serravallian - Serravallian sedimentary_layering deposition_from_water
Fault Classification
No Data Available
Landslide Classification
No Data Available
Cross Section
No Data Available


Preferred Frequency range min [Hz] Frequency range max [Hz] Band Instrument Picture of rotated ratio Picture of ratio Number of peaks Number of earthquake
Yes 0.5 15 EH Img 2 54
Preferred Start time End time Noise variability types Frequency range min [Hz] Frequency range max [Hz] Band Instrument Picture of rotated ratio Picture of ratio Number of peaks
Yes 22/01/2016 03:42:00 22/01/2016 05:07:00 NONE 0.1 15 EH Img Img 3
No Data Available
Signal Polarization
No Data Available


Subsoil Model
No Data Available

Site classification

Topography Class
Topography Class Type Topography Class Value Topography Class Preferred Topography Class Note Seismic Code Type Bibliography Last Update
DEM T4 No Slope: 22.26°, Vs30: 1148 m/s NTC18 C. Mascandola, L. Luzi, C. Felicetta and F. Pacor, A GIS procedure for the topographic classification of Italy, according to the seismic code provisions, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, (2021)
2024-02-22 08:39:40
OTHER T4 No googlEarth_10m EC8 2024-02-22 08:39:39
DEM NC No dem_10m EC8 V. Pessina and E. Fiorini, A GIS procedure for fast topographic characterization of seismic recording stations, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, (2014)
2022-02-09 13:39:41

Site Class
Soil Class Type Soil Class Value Soil Class Preferred Soil Class Note Seismic Code Type Bibliography Last Update
GEOLOGY B Yes Obtained by dataset (ASCII file GR ID) EC8 Mori F., Mendicelli A., Moscatelli M., Romagnoli G., Peronace E., Naso G., A new Vs30 map for Italy based on the seismic microzonation dataset, Engineering Geology, (2020)
2023-05-29 08:23:18
GEOLOGY B Yes Obtained by Standalone Software SSC-Italy NTC18 Forte G., Chioccarelli E., De Falco M., Cito P., Santo A., Iervolino I., Seismic soil classification of Italy based on surface geology and shear-wave velocity measurements, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, (2019)
2023-08-10 16:33:17
GEOLOGY B No Obtained by Standalone Software SSC-Italy EC8 Forte G., Chioccarelli E., De Falco M., Cito P., Santo A., Iervolino I., Seismic soil classification of Italy based on surface geology and shear-wave velocity measurements, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, (2019)
2023-05-18 08:25:18
GEOLOGY A No from di Capua et al. 2016 EC8 Di Capua G., Peppoloni S., Amanti M., Cipolloni C., Conte G., Site classification map of Italy based on surface geology, Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications, (2016)
2022-02-15 10:20:03