Details Topography Class
Topography Class
- Last Update: 2025-02-05 19:25:34
- id: 1256
- Topography Class Type: NONE
- Topography Class Value: T1
- Topography Class Preferred: Yes
- Topography Class Note: Slope: 5.65°, Vs30: 617 m/s
- Bibliography:
Title Id_type Id Url C. Mascandola, L. Luzi, C. Felicetta and F. Pacor, A GIS procedure for the topographic classification of Italy, according to the seismic code provisions, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, (2021) DOI 10.1016/J.SOILDYN.2021.106848 10.1016...
Seismic Code
- id: 2959
- Seismic Code Type: NTC18
- Note:
- Bibliography:
Title Id_type Id Url MINISTERO DELLE INFRASTRUTTURE E DEI TRASPORTI, Aggiornamento delle «Norme tecniche per le costruzioni»., (2018) https:/...